Ko Ko Koa Tahi a te Taina...
The Brothers are Happy...
HOKULE'A ARRIVED IN RAPA NUI--A touching encounter with a gone past, which is still alive. The crew landed at about 2:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 9
By Juan P. Soler, Gazette Te Rapa Nui
When it seemed that the Hokule'a would remain anchored at Hanga Roa bay, suddenly she began a quick movement back toward Hanga Piko, towed by the escort boat Kama Hele. The sound of seashells blown by strong lungs and the touching palpitation of some 300 islanders that still remained in the place received the double-hulled canoe that went in with decision through the channel of access, guided by an islander's fishing boat. The songs that had not ceased all morning acquired a thin melancholy tone from hearts that meet a remote past, which is still alive.
While the Hokule'a was being tied up to land, a crew member dressed in old Hawaiian style, greeted the island with the whole power of his voice, in ancestral language. Juan Chávez answered smoothly, while a young Rapanui woman threw flowers petals to the canoe. Mayor Pedro Edmunds headed the greetings of welcome, with Sol P. Kaho'ohalahala, member of Hawai'i State House of Representatives, and J. Kalani English, a council member of county of Maui. Once on land, crew members were hugged by deeply moved islanders. Some couldn't contain themselves, and tears flowed at the gathering and fraternal bonding with sailors of Polynesian ancestors arriving on the Island for the first time in modern times--just like legendary king Hotu Matua did some 1500 years ago. Finally, there was a brief traditional ceremony, in which a "Curanto" was ate and shared for the God blessing... Ko Ko Koa Tahi a te Taina...